From:                              pavlov []

Sent:                               Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:39 PM

To:                                   'Miodrag Prokic'

Subject:                          FW: koriste plazmu za mulj




From: Vesna Jovanovic []
Sent: 18. novembar 2008 15:35
To: pavlov
Subject: koriste plazmu za mulj



izlagali u oktobru na simpozijumu u Meksiku


Treatment of Liquids and Sludge Using Electro Plasma Technology:

Pratheesh George1; Danila Ryabkov1; Greg Tenhundfeld1; Edward Daigle1;

1CAP Technologies LLC

Electro Plasma Technology which is used for cleaning, coating and

surface modifi cation of metals can be also used for the treatment of liquids

and sludge to remove contaminants such as metals, oils, organics and other

harmful elements to the environment. This technology employs a cathode,

an anode and electric supply and the liquid to be treated is introduced into

the gap between the anode and cathode to be exposed to an electro plasma

fi eld which has aspects of ultraviolet blue light, thermal energy, cavitation,

fl occulation, aeration and electrical energy. Non-metals are mineralized and

metals are plated to the cathode to be removed from the liquid. The ability

to control fl ow rates,energy density,cavitation density,aeration density and

heat generation offers a new level of control over different materials during
